As you may know, home loan interest rates are currently at a historical low. Now is the time for borrowers to take advantage of the great low mortgage rates being offered, especially to Veterans through VA loans. Here’s how the Indigo Colorado team suggests Veterans make the most of these low rates.
Indigo Mortgage Colorado, as a mortgage broker, has access to the largest wholesale lenders in the country. Recently, VA Purchase Loans and VA Streamline Loans with 30-year fixed rates below 2.5% have been released. These even have an APR of 2.629%. This is great news for Colorado Veterans looking to save on their mortgage payments.
Although this is a wonderful opportunity, we advise Veterans to be careful when searching for the right home mortgage loan. Many online and out of state lenders might promote a rate like this, but don’t disclose the astronomical closing costs that go along with it. We do. At Indigo Colorado, we suggest Veterans shop around and shop locally to receive the best rate possible. We never ask to see another lender’s proposal until after we send them ours. This way, the Veteran is confident that our mortgage rate proposal is legitimate and not a game of numbers.
At Indigo Colorado, we believe Veterans deserve to receive an ethical and legitimate mortgage loan proposal, so they can make the right decisions for them and their families. We are also local and located right here in Colorado Springs! Feel free to reach out to us for more information.